Sunday, January 4, 2009

I like to change the look of the blog every now and again, but this time its to celebrate something else. My brother, Chris, has apparently made blogging more often his New Years resolution, I say Hooray to that ! That means more pictures and stories of his adventures available to us all.

Here's a screenshot of his blog, you can check it out at

Wait a second, you recognize the format of that blog ? Why YES ! It looks just like my blog did !

It's no problem, as the old saying goes, Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.

Jack and Jimmy say "Be sure to check out our old blog posts in our Jedi Archives"

...or as Uncle Chris calls his "The Jedi Archives" ? That's Odd

1 comment:

Chris said...

Touche' Bernard, Touche'

You are more tech savvy then I thought...

Well done sir, well done